50th Reunion Photos

Note: Click on highlighted links to see photos


 Party at Sara and John McCall's House                        Wildcat Golf Scrabble   


Misc. Photos by Jeanne Hathaway                                Dinner Dance at Louisville Boat Club  


Big Four Bridge Walk                                                      Brown Hotel and People


Marketplace Restaurant                                                   Misc. Photos by Cam and Allen Salhoff


Misc. Photos by Heather Hurley                                      Walking around Louisville                    


Misc. Photos by Frank Powell                                         Misc. Photos by Bob Hirsch

Misc. Photos by Bob Quaife


Photos in the Voice-Tribune (thanks Heather)  (click on link)      

If you want your photos and video to be posted, there are several options:

Get a free Drop Box account.  Use the Photos Folder within Drop Box to store your photos and send me the link.  There are instructions in Drop Box on how to do this.  This is fast and easy to use.  You can send all your photos to me and I can move them into my computer.

Get an account with Picasa or Flickr or some other on-line photo storage service and upload your photos to your account.  Open the account to let me in and give me the link.  I'll download, resize and post all of your photos for you.

Mail your CD or DVD with your photos to me.  If you want it back, I'll be glad to return it.

E-mail your photos to me (as long as they aren't high resolution).  twitte62@gmail.com

If you take video, you can upload your movies to YouTube and send me the link to post.